Yesterday I started writing another book. I guess I've begun my own little collection of incomplete novels. I think I'm up to three now. I plan on finishing most of them, but opportunities to submit keep popping up here and there. And by the time I'm ready to get back to what I was writing before, the passion is gone. At least temporarily.
With this new piece, I've set a goal of one month to finish it. I think it'll be about 20k to 30k words...a novella, really. The goal seems reasonable enough. And get this: It's not horror. I enjoy writing horror as well as reading it, but this particular idea is just something I guess I need to get out while it's fresh in my head.
I'm a huge fan of dialogue-driven indie films, and this is my attempt at writing a book that's in the same vein as something like "Prince Avalanche" or "Spring Forward." I hope to be able to put this book out before the year is up, though I know I'll be pretty busy with the Bumps in the Road anthology, a proofreading job I just picked up, a contest or two, and hopefully some more freelancing for the big boys.
Audio News!
The audio book version of Night as a Catalyst will be available by the end of the month. I can't wait for you to hear it! I know there are at least a few of you who listen to books during your commutes or at work.

One more thing. The first in my Double Feature Collections, Two Before Dawn, is now available in print. Please note that the two-story anthology contains a story (Self-Immolation) that is found in Night as a Catalyst, but also contains a story (The Damned Thing) that can be found in no other book. I don't expect to sell many copies of this print version. I created it pretty much just to put on my own shelf and for any family or friends who want to do the same. Hence the reason I set it to the lowest possible cost that Amazon would allow.