That being said, I'm dropping my self-inflicted obligation of writing an entry here once or twice a week. I'll be throwing around words on these walls at least two to three times per month. And I'll still post drivel from time to time, and of course I will always post updates, exciting news, announce giveaways, etc. So you haven't read the last entry here by any means. The walls may be painted differently and the incense burned may give a new scent, but things are getting busy in my world of writing.
I took down the attention-grabbing neon beast that read "Witty Blog Inside" and put up a new sign out front. It reads "Author Website."
News Update:
*I've been given permission to announce that I am working on a collaboration with author Terry M. West. We've tossed something around, and I think people are going to love it. Terry is an exceptional writer, and I'm really excited to work with him. I've reviewed a handful of his work for Horror Novel Reviews. You can head over there and check it out
*Night as a Catalyst is getting closer to the release date (May 01, 2015), but there's still a lot to do. I will be making quite a few announcements soon concerning interviews, articles, and guest blog stuff I'll be doing for promotional purposes. For now, you can check out the book promo trailer.
My blog entries over the year have changed a bit. From all out reports on what I'm doing, to flash fiction and exciting updates on stories being published or the announcement of four different websites that I now regularly contribute to. It's been a busy year. Within this past 11 months, I've come to learn and realize that I don't want to be a "blogger." I'm proud of every entry I've written, but a lot of time has been spent here where it could be spent on stories...and even that first novel that keeps glaring at me with its intimidating, blank eyes.