Just a quick note about reviews and ratings. I can't tell you enough just how helpful your few words (be it a sentence or a paragraph) left on Amazon and/or Goodreads can be. They can make or break an author. No reviews means no exposure, so to those who take the time to leave an honest review for any author, thank you!

The Bumps in the Road anthology I'm putting together and publishing through Black Bed Sheet Books is compiled with a finished cover. It's still going through formatting and the gathering of blurbs. I'm still hoping for a late January release, but the closer it gets the more it's looking like a February release.
*Finished reading recently:
I Am Legend (again) - Richard Matheson (5 stars)
Bad Chili - Joe Lansdale (4 stars)
Jedi Summer - John Boden (5 stars)
Dominoes - John Boden (5 stars)