In celebration of the release of this small collection, I thought I'd give a few copies away for free. The winners will also receive a free Kindle version of One for the Road.
And here's how to enter: You're only eligible if you have liked my Facebook page here, and from there everything else is just one more drop in the hat:
*Share the announcement of the contest via Facebook or Twitter (tag me in it so I'm able to see it).
*Follow me on Twitter @ChadLutzke.
*Sign up to receive Write-Brained Leftover announcements by entering your email address to the right, then checking your email and clicking the verify link in the body of the email.
For each one of these you'll be entered once (twice for signing up to receive Write-Brained Leftover updates).
The winner will be chosen at random and announced on my Facebook page this Sunday, March 01, 2015.