When I first purchased a box of the books to sell to people locally, I figured within the first week they would be gone. That's not been the experience. I have several left. It dawned on me after a while that had the entire book been mine, rather than 11 out of 220+ pages, people would be more apt to part with their hard-earned money and participate in the support of a newly published author pursuing his dreams. Selling the book is not about me making any money, it's about sharing my story with you....and about you either inflating my ego or crushing it. Yes, there are selfish motives.
Amazon offers a free Kindle app that you can use on your Android, iPhone, iPad, or Mac. The Kindle version of Shadows & Light #3 sits nicely at the price of a pop and bag of chips or a few energy drinks and a package of donuts or even a 40-oz of cheap beer and a cigar. Think of all the unhealthy things I'm saving you from consuming when you purchase the Kindle version alone. No thanks needed. It's my pleasure!