I'd love to give you a set date right now on the release of my novella "Of Foster Homes and Flies," but I'm still unsure. The plan is for mid-to-late July. I'll be finishing it up, then a clean draft will be sent off to my beta readers and street team and to hopefully collect some blurbs. From there I'll potentially make another sweep through, format it, and it'll be ready.
If you'd like to join the street team then toss me an email. Those on the street team are sent a free e-copy of the book in advance to read and have a review ready and posted to Amazon and/or Goodreads on release day (the review can be two words or two thousand words..the choice is yours. They both help equally). It's pretty much a win/win but it is time sensitive.
Also, Great British Horror has released "What Goes Around" an anthology full of stories where we find out what happens if two forces of badness go toe-to-toe with one another...evil versus evil. My story "Taming the Tongue" is within the pages: A story about a man, his dog, and the unruly elderly woman next door. You can get that right here.