I have friends who currently, or in the past, have had jobs in the pyramid scheme. I always felt bad for them. They seem to be oblivious to the fact that they're pushing the limits often annoying people, even friends. I've always considered myself incapable of having a job where I have to rely heavily on people investing in me and my product. Heck, years ago when I played Farmville for a short time I had a hard time even sending out requests. I felt like an idiot. It's just not me.
Now I find myself trying to sell a book--though not a book I'm making money on--just so people can read my story. I suppose they're different; nevertheless, I get that "creeper" feeling like some pervert looking for lonely book readers to pounce on.
Yesterday I read an article entitled "21 Things I Wish I'd Known Before I Started Writing." I felt better when I read this: "You will make mistakes. You will seem too pushy. You will seem falsely humble. You will forget someone in your acknowledgements. You will rush publication on something not ready to go. You will say things to your editor you wish you hadn’t. You’ll accept edits you shouldn’t accept. You’ll give a friend unhelpful advice on a draft. You’ll forget to read a draft you promised you’d read. You’ll ask for one favor too many. Don’t expect perfection of yourself. Do your best. Feel bad when you screw up, apologize if necessary, and don’t let it make you hate yourself. A lot of writers seem awfully prone to self-hatred. Try to cut yourself some slack."
Some time soon I'll need to thicken my skin and come to terms with the fact that if I'm going to be a writer then part of my job is going to have to be exercising that pushy muscle in me. I'm very sympathetic with people on the other end. I just hope they show the same.