Having only been actively writing and seeking publication since last spring, I have a lot to learn. However, I have learned a ridiculous amount of what to and what not to do just in these past several months. But something I really didn't anticipate was the tremendous support from my peers. People I have known less than a year. I touched on this a little bit in my last entry. Even some of my friends (and sadly, relatives) fail to encourage or even so much as acknowledge what I'm trying to accomplish. So to get so much love and support from strangers was indeed surprising.
Perhaps the support comes from my fellow authors understanding the struggle. They understand the importance of spreading the word, leaving reviews, providing feedback, receiving encouragement, being helped with opening doors and pushing your foot in there. I have found--at least from my experience, thus far--that the writing world isn't a pissing contest or a shoving match.
When I asked for blurbs for my upcoming book, every person I asked who is in the field happily obliged and, after reading some of the content from the book, gave me some head-swelling praise. My peers have happily shared my work at the same time they're promoting their own. They have included me. They have taken the time to read my stories and tell me how much they like them. They have trusted me to proofread and edit. But most of all they have made me feel like part of a team and not alone.
For this entry I'm not going to name drop, mainly because there are just too many. I'll have a gratitude list in Night as a Catalyst. For now, in general, thank you to my writer/editor/publisher friends.
News Update: Freelance and nonfiction work has been taking up a bit of my time due to this silly thing called money that we all have a love/hate relationship with, so my fiction muscle hasn't had a good workout in a few weeks. That being said, here's a review I did for Halloweenforever.com for the new TV show, iZombie!
I love hearing from you so feel free to comment. I'll read it. I will smile. I'll respond. You'll smile. It's a win/win!